
Destiny Center Institute - Discover and Do Your Destiny - Online Course

Destiny Center Institute - Discover and Do Your Destiny - Online Course
Brand: Destiny Center
Product Code: SDS
Availability: In Stock
Price: $936.00
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Core Course 1

Supernatural Destiny School (SDS)


The Destiny Center Institute's first core course is our Supernatural Destiny School (SDS) composed of two classes: 1) Discovering Your Destiny, and 2) Doing Your Destiny and Life Planning. In these two classes, you will learn how to discover God’s will for your life, how God created you, and what He has called you to do. You will learn how to put together a plan to be able to fulfill your destiny & do what you are called to do. It is an awesome school that has been taught on location to students from over 100 countries and is now available online! 


The core course is all about you!


In the Supernatural Destiny School (SDS) - 2 Credit Units - 50 hours assignments you will discover God’s will for your life, how God created you, and what He has called you to do. You will also learn how to put together a plan to be able to fulfill your destiny & do what you are called to do.


Now, let's look more at the details of the core course classes.


Supernatural Destiny School (SDS) - 

Class 1: Discovering God’s Will for Your Life - Discovering Your Destiny - 1 Credit Unit - 25 hours of assignments & teaching Includes:

1: Discovering Your Destiny

2: Biblical Basics of God's Will for Your Life

3: Biblical Foundations of Destiny

4: How to Hear God for Divine Direction

5: Hearing the Voice of God 

6: Clues to Your Destiny From Your Identity,

8: Clues to Your Destiny From Your Past, Present, and Future


Class 2: Doing God’s Will for Your Life - Doing Your Destiny & Life Planning - 1 Credit Units - 25 hours of assignments & teaching Includes:

1: Doing Your Destiny 

2: Focus Funnel - Defining Your Vision

3: Writing Your Vision Statement

4: Writing Your Mission Statement

5: Writing Your Strategies, Goals & Tasks

6: Writing Your Life Plan

7: Defining Your Critical Path 

8: Sharing Your Life Plan

9: Maintaining & Revising Your Life Plan  


2 total College Credit Units  $468 per credit unit. 

Class Tuition: $936


These two great classes are offered together as one course, in our Supernatural Destiny School.



* Courses are approved through the University of the Nations e-learning department. If you are a current UofN student and are wanting to get credit for any of our schools through the University of the Nations towards one of their degrees, there are additional application requirements. Please email us for additional information. College unit credit is offered through our partnership with YWAM Hollywood and the University of the Nations.


Supernatural Destiny School (SDS) Required Text Book:


The Discover & Do Your Destiny Workbook (pdf ebook) is included, for your convenience, in the cost of your course. 


We encourage you to consider buying the 8.5" x 11" paperback version of the Discover & Do Your Destiny Workbook so that you can keep the resource for years to come. If you would like to purchase the paperback workbook, it can be purchased for $50 plus shipping and handling. 



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