Reign in Your Brain! Royalty Thinking Workbook
Available September 2020 - Preorders available now - email us for information on how to pre-order.
The workbook is designed to be a companion for our Reign in Your Brain! Royalty Thinking Book.
It is for anyone who would like more a detailed guide on how to complete the process to Reign in Your Brain! and develop Royalty Thinking
We have developed the Reign in Your Brain! Royalty Thinking Workbook to explore more questions for each chapter, and to help walk you through the process of developing a mindset of Royalty Thinking. It is a step by step workbook, that you can use as your journal as well.
The “Reign in Your Brain! Royalty Thinking Workbook” includes some unique ideas, and different techniques, to get you started in the Process of Royalty Thinking.
Discover and establish your identity in the Kingdom of God as a son or daughter of the Most High King.
We are a royal priesthood and we are to think as Kings and Queens!
Learn how Kings think differently than most of us currently think.
Learn how to change your thinking from that of being a slave to thinking like royalty so you can focus on advancing the Kingdom of God.
You are created to rule and reign with God. To do that you must first “Reign in Your Brain."
In this fourth book of the "Master Your Mind" series, we share revelation on how to “Reign in Your Brain" from years of research from the fields of Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, Behavioral Science, Psychology, as well as Theology, and the Educational & Learning Processes.