About Us




Welcome to our community of family and friends! Our mission here at the Destiny Center is to help you Discover and Do the Destiny that God created you to do! We want you to know that you BELONG here! We encourage you to SHARE your success stories with us and with our great global community. We have gathered some great resources to offer you to help you GROW and LEARN so you can become the world-changer God made you!

We hope you will sign up for our ON-LINE classes. They are an amazing value and bring you all the same great teachings that we have in our executive retreats, for a fraction of the cost. Register today!

You can also sign up for our newsletter, and our blogWe believe they will encourage you in different areas of your life, and help raise your confidence so that you will dare to do what you were created to do!  

We want you to be all that God created you to be! 

We know that you can Discover & Do Your Destiny. You can Master You Mind & Rebuild Your Brain!

Thanks for being our friend and joining our growing world-wide community! 

You can log in Account Login, or register for your new account here:  New Customer and Returning Customer






About the 

Destiny Center



Our Motto is to

 "Impact the World, One Destiny at a Time!"


The Destiny Center Mission is to develop and provide training and other resources that will release people worldwide into their God given Destiny. We are dedicated to bringing you the best resources available so that you fulfill your personal destiny!


We have been helping people to

Discover & Do their Destiny for overt 30 years.


The Destiny Center is part of Kingdom Enterprises International and was founded in 1995. KEI also includes DNA Studios, which is a mult-media production company. KEI Divisions include: Publishing, Film, TV&Video Performance and Production, Music Performance & Production, Dance Performance & Production, Theatre Performance & Production, Art Studio & Gallery, and Photography. 


Distant Learning Training School


The Destiny Center Institute - Distant Learning Training School is a unique program that teaches the depths of the Word, along with the best of available academic knowledge, without becoming boring or denying that we serve a supernatural God. The Destiny Center mission is to develop and provide training and other resources that will release people worldwide into their God given Destiny. We are dedicated to bringing you the best resources available so that you fulfill your personal destiny!


Through our partnerships with YWAM DNA Studios Hollywood, the University of the Nations, the International Leaders Institute, the International Arts and Media Institute, the International Film Institute, the International Dance Institute, the International Music Institute, the International Dramatic Arts Institute, and the Nashville Center for Worship, we are able to offer a wide variety of majors for our students.


We are committed to providing training worldwide,

and have provided training/ resources to over 100 countries.


Click here for more information about our on-line classes.




There are various courses that are available through the Destiny Center Institute.  

In addition to our online courses, we also offer workshops and classes on location.

We also have Video, Audio and Written classes.


Please contact us if you would be interested in one of the classes we teach on location.




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© 2024 Destiny Center. All Rights Reserved.